
The Microlam team and community take all security bugs very seriously. You can find our guidelines here regarding our policy and security disclosure.

Reporting security issues

Please report any security issues you find in Microlam to:

security at

Anyone can post to this list. The subscribers are only trusted individuals from the Microlam community who will handle the resolution of any reported security issues in confidence. In your report, please note how you would like to be credited for discovering the issue and the details of any embargo you would like to impose.

Why follow this process

Due to the sensitive nature of security bugs, the disclosure process is more constrained than a regular bug. We appreciate you following these industry accepted guidelines, which gives time for a proper fix and limit the time window of attack.

Supported Versions

The community will fix security bugs for the latest major.minor version published at

Version      Supported
latest 1.x    ✅
older 1.x    ❌
< 1.0           ❌

We may fix the vulnerability to older versions depending on the severity of the issue and the age of the release, but we are only committing to the latest version released.