A Java micro-framework dedicated to AWS Serverless
simplicity, hackability and efficiency.
Now Available
Microlam 0.6.1
Microlam Features

AWS Serverless First
Microlam helps you develop for AWS Lambda using the Java 11, Java 17 or Java 21 then compiling to native via GraalVM and building a Custom Runtime for amd64 or arm64 in order to get the best performance in production and lower costs.

Microlam is an opinionated java micro-framework, leveraging maven and AWS Java SDK 2.x., but very lightweight as required for GraalVM native compilation.

Simplicity, hackability and efficiency
Starting with Microlam is very simple, as you can deploy our sample application to AWS in 5 minutes, but it is never done magically, but always in a way you can hack and understand fully. Development life-cyle is kept as short of possible and there is no compromise on production performance.
Feedback and Help
For usage questions, we recommend to:
- Use the Discussions section on our GitHub project.
- Ask on Stack Overflow with the
For questions related to the development of Microlam:
- The microlam-io Google Groups
- Chat using Zulip (
Your help is more than welcome! Don’t hesitate to join the crowd.
Join the Microlam Community
Check out our GitHub for details on reporting issues and the process for submitting pull requests.
Every contribution is valuable. It can be a bug report, an example application, a feature request, a fix in the documentation or just feedback.